Ordinate Civilization: Our future society

It has never been this easier to get into another man’s mind in a society. Earlier, it took art, song, dance, mythology, etc. to do that. Instilling a Behavioral change needed philosophical energy transmissions through media as strong as Religion when reasoning was just a seed restricted to a few. Now that reasoning has sprout out into a reasonably grown specimen and the necessity of such old media seems questionable with the parallel growth of the little kid next door, Science. Our boy Science has grown so big that we’ve forgotten that he is now a big man taking us for a walk into a completely different world mutating us to a new modified species of human, drawing so many parallels to our known Human History. We are now walking into the virtual dematerialized world without recognizing ourselves. We are changing ourselves into a rather new breed that has dual identity and functionality. One of this identity has been defined by the power of our mind.

Enter Ordinate axis to real life: from Abscissa towards Ordinate

Complex Conjugate Planes

Complex Conjugate Planes

Remember the movie Matrix where they talk about parallel worlds with existence of an alternate world purely controlled by the mind? It isn’t completely a fiction. Our world is marching much closer to that on the graph of existence. Our identities are now including a new y component from the Ordinate (y) axis’ additional bits and bytes of data. We are entering new world of complexities where we virtually are another entity in that world with internet: an explorer, an adventurer, a trader, a spy, a governor, a teacher, a learner or even a rebel. Mind you! We are not so much of the same character in the physical world. We have been evolving from the rather crude barbaric past to a ‘civilized’ future weighed additionally by a new coordinate called the ‘intellectual identity’. This projected axis from the mind is similar to that of the ‘Imaginary axis’ in the old complex conjugate planes. Remember this figure from school math?:

We are now discovering Societies resembling Complex numbers where an identity begins to have both real and imaginary(virtual) components. As we enter our Planetary Phase of Civilization, the impact or the effect of the ‘i’ axis (Ordinate axis) is beginning to take stronger effect on us. This simple Sociological transition’s analogy:

[] Real Part ‘x’ – Our physical presence in the real world made of flesh and blood

[] Imaginary Part ‘y’ – Our virtual digital identity based on our mind’s behavior(which is not negligible anymore)

[] Complex number ‘z’ – Identity of a person in today’s world

[] Absolute value ‘r’ – The net value of a person put together

[] Argument ‘theta’ – The degree of inclination of a person away from the Real world

In this analogy, the component ‘y’ is beginning to become larger and larger with time and our inclination away from the real world is also increasing. We are now seeing a large number of people whose identity is turning dual. With newer generations and newer additional members into this world, the Sociology is about to change further and it’s existing virtual environments are about to begin to change.

In layman’s terms, we are now witnessing the rise of a new kind of a civilization. This is one of it’s kind unlike any from our past. This civilization includes every mind of the same species with the highest connectivity ever seen or felt before. The most documented or recorded version with immense data available yet incapable of being completely understood with re-definitions and re-imaginations to everything that was well-defined before. So, we are indeed entering a phase towards an intense growth exponentially, thanks to our new civilization’s absolute records with words of information..but how are we going to live in that world? Are we likely to be any different? Are we going to be more altruistic and free than ever before or are we likely to pretend to be so? Looking for answers, I started digging History believing that History repeats itself  on the Wheel of time. I started reading about the Evolution of civilizations in the past from the Hunter-Gatherer Egalitarian ages and found some common patterns and analogies. I also began imagining a few parts for explanations that I couldn’t find. It was quiet fascinating to draw parallels. This is no Scientific Paper. This is just a blog rendering a piece of my mind’s perspective. So, please do excuse the crude nomenclature.

Settlements towards ‘civilized’ Structures

In our ancient time, we had a humble beginning as hunters and gatherers. We went out, fetched food, ate them and survived. We didn’t begin to fancy living. However, some of our ancestors who were born with the gift of Curiosity had an urge to want to make life better. So, they began to explore  beyond their caves and started to discover new habitats for better food. Then, they started to migrate to places having rivers closer to quench their thirst, grow plants or hunt animals that come down to the bank.

Initially, the explorers began searching beyond their territories through forests and terrains. They then discovered regions having better comforts and chances of survival. Once they found a better place, they began to attract crowd and the place’s population slowly began to grow with different types of  human species beginning to live in that settlement. The population growth was usually in this order: First the explorers migrate, then the adventurers who looked to experiment come along. Then, with the evidence of better comforts and possibilities, the mass who conform to the larger faiths, beliefs and ideologies join. Once the mass migrate, they bring along the wolf-like traders and commerce begins. As this population grows in the region, the place begins to become chaotic with no structure or defense. The visit of animals or other uninvited/uncivilized men were considered a threat to the existence of this civilization. This demanded the stronger ones to protect the entire population. Hence, they began to look onto these stronger ones with great physical strength to protect them, slowly giving up power and authority. Then, these men begin to structure the segments based on their functionality into communities and castes. They began grouping, assigning roles and responsibilities that are to be passed along heirs so that there was order in this growing state of the settlement. (something called as the Social stratification) This categorization’s framework generally had:

the authoritative prime protectors like kings/presidents who had to protect every member from any danger from inside or outside;

the enforcers who are the secondary stronger populace supporting the powerful to enforce their rules towards better protection;

the influencers who like ministers helped in decision making based on reasoning or myth or prayers;

the traders who marked the working of the system creating a livelihood within and began quantifying;

the mass who unquestionably follow the predefined and avoid reasoning for fear of abandonment from protection;

the  outcast who were mostly the rebels known to have reasoned and resisted to oblige.

In the initial ages, every civilization had almost a Flat society; but as time sailed, the same began to re-structure  itself by grouping, organizing and categorizing internally for better functioning. This mark the beginning the era of a well-thought Social stratification system. Initially, a reasonable sense was used at the time of formation… but as these Societies and cultures survived over time, the sense began to disappear; the understanding got lost and reasoning forgotten. There was an absolute structure but the happiness and comforts of every member started to fall apart. This led to the rise of the outcasts or rebels who had the complementary philosophies from that of the mass. The Outcasts began to grow in strength with the power of reasoning when it’s practice didn’t exist(Perhaps the mass had forgotten the very foundations to their actions and fears) . In an attempt to re-kindle the once active minds capable of thinking despite being primitive, the outcasts vehemently imposes a restructure and begins the cycle from scratch all over again. This has been the Wheel of time for most of the civilizations in the past.

In cultures, as size outgrew the manageable limit, work began to be divided amongst men in order to maintain order and avoid chaos. This usually is the cause to the rise of a Pyramidal social structure slowly shifting from being flat. This structural claim is usually based on the ability of a member to survive i.e. the strongest led the Society and the weakest surrendered and/or followed to stay alive.

A stratification begins for operational reasons but leads to the concentration of Power and authority at the top. This leads to the outcasts’ rise in order to start re-structuring from scratch with newer nomenclature and newer hierarchies. A flat world or society has always struggled to survive and sadly they never did. Every time they did and began to expand, they had to fall into their original pit again. So, you think this first time world of the minds in the internet can make this possible? Well, let’s make an analogy to this shall we?


{Reference to the virtual plugged world within the internet as Y-World based on the Y-Axis or the Ordinate axis}

In comparison to the above, we can draw parallels of it to our very own material world. Now, imagine yourself in the internet. What do you fear most when online in this world? That your email address will be compromised or that your weak privacy settings would lead to a stab at your online personality? This is quiet similar to the survival fears of the past. What you fear in this digital world is the possibility of your online identity getting beaten or hurt and that the impact of this will reflect to your real world’s self. So, who do you fear? Virus, worms and Trojan horses like that to animals; and then the unethical ‘black hat’ hackers as compared to those uninvited enemies/entrants of the olden days. So, what do you do? Give the power to the protectors. But who are these protectors in this world? They are the ones who have the same power as that of the ones we fear: code/coder. We either get an antivirus or turn to a pro in that for help.

So, eventually this power begins to shift to the codes and coders in the virtual world who can speak to the minds of the machine to protect from the unknown or attack on the unknown. Now, if you notice, as the ‘φ’ from above increases, the transition of power shifts from bodily physical strength of power to that of the intellectual strength. The web that we assume to be flat and free today is beginning to structure itself resonating with the time of rise of concentration of power.

Analogies of Y

So, in this Y-World, the weaker mass are the ones who are mute with the machines. The traders are the ones who instill a trend of transaction with physical or digital materials. The influencers are the ones who have the loudest voice in this so-called-flat Y-world today. However, these influencers have the power to influence the Primes and the enforcers. The enforcers are the ‘white hat’ coders or hackers who can perform anything with the knowledge at hand… not just someone who can create a website but those who can hack into a country’s Defense department or the Banks breaking the digital security in place. They get to choose to be the outcasts to make a point or can be the enemies or the wanted for breaking in.

The internet has created another unknown world with habitat of a person: every version of a material on the existent real world is present in the virtual world with digital records of it’s existence and directions or guidelines to it’s functions. The ones who can get their hands to this record level of the digital world’s codes, then they get to become the puppeteer. These men evolve to becoming the primes with the power of knowledge and understanding of the fundamentals of the Y World. They are greatly respected by the community of other coders that they eventually have the power to influence the enforcers to take charge. This might sound like the movie of Die Hard4.0, but the sad truth is, this is quiet the reality. This extrapolation from past might seem weird and fictitious, but it has some reality associated that we are now beginning to notice our own Social Structure change in this Y-world. (There are even territorial claims in this Y-world with Black Hat’s underworld.)

Digital Obesity

Remember when we were Hunter-Gatherers in the digital world before? Just looking for information that we needed, finding them with our fancy tools and feeding our Ordinate self? Information is food in this world. As we started feeding on them, the necessity began to grow. This led to the development of further technology to grow them and cultivate them. Tools like Wikipedia began the trend of growth on this and the introduction of other technologies like the Web 2.0 started making an excess of food that we have now started getting onto a state of Information Indigestion wherein we’ve begun to feed on the junk than the nutrition. In some cases, we consume too much that weren’t relevant or necessary that we started growing an unnecessary fat complex perspective towards simpler functions. We’ve begun forgetting objectives and purpose. We are making ourselves obese feeding towards unrest in mind.

The Ordinate Civilization

  • Unlike the past, the Human brain’s evolution and expansion is no longer going to continue to be completely biological. The dependency on complex machines are going to become so thick that knowledge or understanding of the Computer World would loose it’s value and be refined to the ones who only truly seek.
  • Crimes and possibilities:
  • The White Hat ethical hackers of today are going to evolve into the knights of tomorrow as the enforcers
  • The Grey Hat hackers with the same skills are going to become the Rebels and Voices of tomorrow as the outcasts echoing unheard ideologies and values
  • ‘Muggles’ like you and me are going to survive in this Y-World at the mercy of these hackers but some who can speak and influence the Grey Hats can start a revolution to lead a cycle towards restructuring
  • In this world, we can be assaulted, murdered, assassinated, attacked and even looted like the physical world today. We have evolved from being a simple world of hunting and gathering information to a more complex structured civilization with societies.
  • Our structure now has also evolved: We have the same nomenclature of “communities” which can be both open or an invite only group that has it’s own agenda and functionality. Castes and communities are at their beginning stage of coming into existence into this world.
  • Jargons of different groups and communities have also begun existing in this world founding the sense of privilege to be part of these groups called ‘communities’. This will lead to something similar to the Caste discrimination of the future. The Ordinate identity will be classified and categorized into specifics based on past records.
  • Having absolute records of every behavior is going to make this civilization more vulnerable and unstable.
  • The traders also contribute to the vulnerability by trading confidential information and currencies to others (identity being the sale)
  • Primes in this world are generally assumed as the physical world’s Government heads. But the true power lies with those who understand this world’s foundation and have the power to influence the White Hats.

As our ‘φ’ increases, the influence of the Y-World is going to become so high that every single matter in the physical world is going to have it’s Y-version. This Y-World is gaining dominance into our identities to the extent that separating each other is going to become difficult. Although the biological disadvantages can be overcome in this world, the old psychological disadvantages are going to cost and hurt more in future. Communication medium transiting from spoken/oral to written is going to catalyze  our advancement and development exponentially, but at the same time, it going to cost unexpected reactions. The world is going to witness the newer Digital Divide on the basis of the wealth of knowledge and there is going to be poverty too. Governance here is going to be different from all  that was ever seen. However, since our current time being the Golden Age of this civilization in definition and scaling phase with new members, structures and etiquette, the civilization prospers with new forms of arts and literature. However, the biggest problem in future is going to be able to survive in this same society without chaos and maintain order within this world.

As a civilization evolves, chaos always enters and makes another Paradise Lost where living like a regular Human is going to be tough. Or may be even impossible. So, what do we do? Take a cyber-security insurance and forget the problem? Or call for some action to begin educating everyone on this rising issue to understand the fundamentals of this world and teach everyone how to defend themselves? You decide.

About Divya Sornaraja

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